What coaches do: A trauma recovery coach takes a client who is safe, but struggling and suffering, and helps her find healing and freedom. Each client knows intuitively how to recover. My job is to work with you collaboratively to help you clear the path so that you can find the solutions. What stands in the way? Dysfunctional coping behaviors, toxic relationships, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, “abuse-think”, addiction, shame, and fear are the big obstacles to healing. Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? Yes. YOU are worth it.

If you are already seeing a therapist or psychologist, but need more hands-on, affordable assistance, a trauma recovery coach can work in concert with your treatment team to work on the nuts and bolts of your healing journey.

What trauma recovery coaches do not do: A trauma recovery coach is prohibited from working with minors, from working with people who are actively suicidal or who are actively engaging in dangerous, self-harming activities. Trauma recovery coaches do not prescribe medications or give advice about medications, nor do they diagnose mental illness. These are all issues that should be addressed by therapists psychiatrists or other medical professionals.